About the farm
Locally grown, pesticide-free Kentucky Flowers
Locally grown, pesticide-free Kentucky Flowers 🌸

We are, in alphabetical order, Aaron, Anna and Ruby (also known as Roobz, dirt baby, dirt flower baby, Ruby Boobie, pumpkin pie, or Ruberson). You may also know Aaron as Ern — to clarify Ern is the only audible syllable when hollerin’ at him from one end of the field (or row cover, or drip tape, or tarp) to the other. Thus Ern was necessitated out of a need to conserve energy and quit hollerin’ all two infinitely long syllables. You can just call me Anna, HBIC. Some of you very special ones can call me Banana or Slug or both. Always assume my comments are made in fun. If you can’t laugh then what’s the point?
We’ve been flower farming since 2014 when we started in our yard on Bellaire Avenue in Lexington KY, hence the name. Had I known what we would grow to be then maybe I’d have picked a less location specific name. Too late. Brand recognition!
In August of 2020 we went from farming on leased land for several years to owning our own little piece of Earth in Waddy, KY. A few weeks later Ruby was born on the new farm and Ern hasn’t stopped working to get the new place in order. Obviously I haven’t stopped either but now my role is a different kind of challenge. (We both embrace/welcome high calorie snacks when offered, thanks).
Our Values
We are passionate about supporting our local small farms, businesses, and community.
All of our flowers are grown without harmful chemicals or pesticides because we care about the health of our soil, watershed, pollinators and you.
We always keep it real when it comes to the joys and difficulties of raising flowers and a child. We don’t use filters or sugarcoat it. What you see is what you get, and we like it that way.

Scenes from the farm